Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Münchau

Photo of Alexander  Münchau

Universität zu Lübeck
Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck

Gebäude CBBM (Haus 66), Raum 012,2.OG

Email: alexander.muenchau(at)uni-luebeck.de
Phone: 0451 3101 8215
Fax: 0451 3101 8225



Tamara Pringsheim, Amit Batla, Ali Shalash, Jitendra Kumar Sahu, Carlos Cosentino, Darius Ebrahimi‐Fakhari, Jennifer Friedman, Jean‐Pierre Lin, Jonathan Mink, Alexander Münchau, Daniela Munoz, Nardo Nardocci, Belen Perez‐Dueñas, Zomer Sardar, Chahnez Triki, Hilla Ben‐Pazi, Laura Silveira‐Moriyama, Monica Troncoso‐Schifferli, Kyoko Hoshino, Russell C. Dale, Victor S.C. Fung, Manju A. Kurian, and Emmanuel Roze,
Transitional Care for Young People with Movement Disorders: Consensus-Based Recommendations from the MDS Task Force on Pediatrics, Mov Disord Clin Pract , pp. mdc3.13728, 2023.
Roula Jamous, Adam Takacs, Christian Frings, Alexander Münchau, Moritz Mückschel, and Christian Beste,
Unsigned surprise but not reward magnitude modulates the integration of motor elements during actions, Sci Rep , vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 5379, 2023.
Martje G. Pauly, Norbert Brüggemann, Stephanie Efthymiou, Anne Grözinger, Sokhna Haissatou Diaw, Viorica Chelban, Valentina Turchetti, Barbara Vona, Vera Tadic, Henry Houlden, Alexander Münchau, and Katja Lohmann,
Not to Miss: Intronic Variants, Treatment, and Review of the Phenotypic Spectrum in VPS13D-Related Disorder, Int J Mol Sci , vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1874, 2023.
Negin Gholamipourbarogh, Astrid Prochnow, Christian Frings, Alexander Münchau, Moritz Mückschel, and Christian Beste,
Perception-action integration during inhibitory control is reflected in a concomitant multi-region processing of specific codes in the neurophysiological signal, Psychophysiology , vol. 60, no. 2, pp. e14178, 2023.
Andreas Traschütz, Astrid D. Adarmes-Gómez, Mathieu Anheim, Jonathan Baets, Bernard Brais, Cynthia Gagnon, Janina Gburek-Augustat, Sarah Doss, Haşmet A. Hanağası, Christoph Kamm, Peter Klivenyi, Thomas Klockgether, Thomas Klopstock, Martina Minnerop, Alexander Münchau, Mathilde Renaud, Filippo M. Santorelli, Ludger Schöls, Andreas Thieme, Stefan Vielhaber, Bart P. van de Warrenburg, Ginevra Zanni, Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, and Matthis Synofzik,
Responsiveness of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia and Natural History in 884 Recessive and Early Onset Ataxia Patients, Ann Neurol , vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 470–485, 2023.
Shijing Yu, Ann-Kathrin Stock, Alexander Münchau, Christian Frings, and Christian Beste,
Neurophysiological principles of inhibitory control processes during cognitive flexibility, Cereb Cortex , pp. bhac532, 2023.
Lille Kurvits, Safiye Tozdan, Tina Mainka, Alexander Münchau, Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Andrea E. Cavanna, Peer Briken, and Christos Ganos,
Compulsive sexual behavior and paraphilic interests in adults with chronic tic disorders and Tourette syndrome: a survey-based study, Int J Impot Res , 2023.
Andreas Traschütz, Astrid D. Adarmes-Gómez, Mathieu Anheim, Jonathan Baets, Björn H. Falkenburger, Janina Gburek-Augustat, Sarah Doss, Christoph Kamm, Peter Klivenyi, Marcus Grobe-Einsler, Thomas Klopstock, Martina Minnerop, Alexander Münchau, Chiara Pane, Mathilde Renaud, Filippo M. Santorelli, Ludger Schöls, Dagmar Timmann, Stefan Vielhaber, Tobias B. Haack, Bart P. van de Warrenburg, Ginevra Zanni, and Matthis Synofzik,
Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxias in Europe: Frequency, Onset, and Severity in 677 Patients, Mov Disord , vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1109–1112, 2023.
Rebecca Herzog, Christina Bolte, Jan-Ole Radecke, Kathinka von Möller, Rebekka Lencer, Elinor Tzvi, Alexander Münchau, Tobias Bäumer, and Anne Weissbach,
Neuronavigated Cerebellar 50 Hz tACS: Attenuation of Stimulation Effects by Motor Sequence Learning, Biomedicines , vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 2218, 2023.
Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Anna Pisarenko, Natalia Szejko, Martina Haas, Carolin Fremer, Ewgeni Jakubovski, Richard Musil, Alexander Münchau, Irene Neuner, Daniel Huys, Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Christoph Schröder, Rieke Ringlstetter, Armin Koch, Eva Beate Jenz, and Anika Großhennig,
CANNA-TICS: Efficacy and safety of oral treatment with nabiximols in adults with chronic tic disorders - Results of a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, phase IIIb superiority study, Psychiatry Res , vol. 323, pp. 115135, 2023.